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01/22/12 5:26 PM

#38088 RE: graminella #38087

Here is how the peer review process starts. The following is an actual copy of a request sent to me last year


We request your assistance in reviewing the manuscript listed below (title, author, abstract are given).

Please log on to our Web peer review database at http://www.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Your User Name is XXXX. Your password is XXXXXX. Once you log on, please change your password for security reasons if it is the same as your user name. To do this, click on the "My Contact Info" button on the left-hand blue navigation bar, and change the password in the contact information form.

If you need further assistance, contact the Manuscript Office staff at:

Thank you for considering our request. A prompt response as to whether you agree or do not agree to do the review would be greatly appreciated. This will allow time for the editor to solicit other reviewers if necessary and to not overly delay the review process. If you cannot do the review, it would be greatly appreciated if you could recommend someone else the editor could contact.

Please confirm your willingness to review as soon as possible by logging on, clicking the assigned manuscript title, and then selecting "Agree to Review." This gives us an electronic confirmation that you will review. We request that the review be completed within 20 working days from the date of this request.

Your next steps will be to access the full manuscript in PDF format and then fill out the review form online. While online, click the INSTRUCTIONS FOR REVIEWERS button for some tips and tricks to ease your work. If you decide to add comments to the PDF as part of your review, please make sure that you leave the Author name blank in the comments window.

We appreciate your efforts and hope you know that by participating in the Web review process our entire scientific community will benefit from seeing research published faster.

If you plan to use an annotated PDF for your review, you must make sure that your name does not appear in the properties of each comment. To do this, open the manuscript PDF and insert a comment. Then, right click on the comment and select “Properties.” Under the “General” tab you will see your name. Delete the name and then close the Properties window. Right click on the comment again and select
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01/22/12 6:01 PM

#38089 RE: graminella #38087


thanks for the post. They were 6-8 weeks into process back in Nov for what it's worth, that was 10 weeks ago...thanks

from Nov 9 conference call transcript
I can promise you it’s not a year from now. Like I mentioned, we have a highly coordinated strategy that involves both scientific and general media dissemination of this information about the patients that is very personal and detailed and hands-on. And we feel that this is the best way from a both scientific perspective and shareholder perspective to disseminate and legitimize this information. It’s very hard for me to give you an outside date because, as you can imagine, dealing with the scientific community and the release of this information, you know, you can’t get these people to say “oh I am going to publish this on X date.” So, it’s very hard for me to say that exactly. The only thing I will say is that we’ve been working through this process for 6 or 8 weeks now and I believe we are sort of starting to get down the homestretch. And I apologize that I can’t be more refined in an answer than that. But, I am quite sure that this approach that we are taking is the highest impact from a scientific community perspective and investor perspective.
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01/22/12 6:15 PM

#38091 RE: graminella #38087

Again - ACTC is not conducting their own peer review.