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01/27/03 11:50 AM

#606 RE: dagnyish #604

I have no problem with those beleiving Veltex to be what they say they are. I have no issue with having paid analysts or IR/PR firms on board to help them having their message out there. I do not even have problems with getting answers from people right in there communicating with me (I must say, very appropriately and politely).

The OPINION I voice is that the overall context of this company is, for the moment, only defined by those directly involved and/or rewarded to say what they say.

I consider this environment to be expremely high risk and say it.

I suggest that no poster herein or on the other board KNOW (unless some hidden insiders are posting ... which I doubt).

The "bashers" (mainly on the other board) obviously have an agenda to destroy people and I have no respect for that.

"Beleivers" are hopeful and have faith (I almost wrote "blind" faith) and, if they understand the risk of that situation and did not get their rent money at it, why not?

My point is that, between these two extremes, I sit.

I beleive there is a company called Veltex, I very much doubt it is what the company says it is and I want better sources of information to decide for myself if it's worth "investing in" or not.

Right now the odds do not please me (stricly my opinion after my efforts to figure it out) for me to accept to gamble right now.

As for those having a hard time accepting that someone may be doubtful right now, it's their right but I don't beleive they are very mature. They remind me of the players sitting at the blacjack table shouting "I KNOW the next card will be an ace".

By the way, even if it is not, you may still win ... or loose your bet. Shouting that you know won't change the next card.

Enjoy the game.
