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01/21/12 10:17 PM

#141735 RE: alias accumulator #141710

Brad Godfrey can you please help us out here with some actual proof to the many tall tales you have spun on this board? I have read several of your War and Peace novels with all the completely made up yarns that you seem to sit around and spin in your mind before you test them here.

Let's start with this tall tale... SHG day-traded HFBG against the shareholders. Really? Can you please produce one (not asking for 10, or 20 or even 2) document for this board. I am giving you permission to post any trading record of SHG's you have that proves SHG day-traded HFBG.

This shouldn't be too hard since you not only falsely accused SHG of daytrading, but you gave shareholders here the actual dates we unloaded... so obviously you have the records right in front of you there. PRODUCE ONE! Remember this humdinger haha where you named 12/16/2010 and 12/17/2010 as days we day-traded HFBG... with actual dates this should be an easy document to produce right? psst! on a lighter note... where is that "in the pennies in 2011" you promised in that book of fables?

How about this challenge to Pinocchio where you actually tell shareholders here where SHG bought shares, tried to accumulate shares and where SHG was forced to buy instead... haha... remember this one? Well, once again this should be easy to prove with actual documents since you have nailed down the actual days and the actual prices for SHG's entry and exits.

I find the made up stories absolutely amazing about SHG releasing false PR's with regard to the OTCQX to sell off on and then after releasing the PR correcting it to the OTCQB. As you know Brad Godfrey, Giovanni and only Giovanni was in control of the Marketwire account. So, if SHG wrote that PR, it had to be sent to Giovanni and Calvin to approve, and then post with Marketwire... therefore, it would have been those two gentlemen who released that news... but nice try!! Can you please present us with the proof SHG unloaded shares on that news? Document please!! Oh and while you're at it, please post the records that SHG even had shares to sell... shouldn't be hard since you seem to have the trading records... cough, cough!

Now, let's move on to the fable that SHG ran a stock promotion to run HFBG from .0001 to .0009 hahahahahahahahahaahahaha. Really? Got the pay stubs where we were paid for this promotion? Can you please show the board the documents of proof that we ran a stock promotion on HFBG EVERRRRRR? Not just during the .0001-.0009 run but everrrrrrr!!!! PRODUCE THE DOCS BRAD!!! I think we all know where the genesis of that run began.

NEXT!! Please provide documents, posts, or hell a snippet of paper where SHG promoted a RS? PRODUCE IT BRAD!! SHG did an interview with the CEO to allow the CEO a platform to speak... if that's promoting a RS because SHG asked her about a RS... then so be it hahahahahaaha but that hardly goes under the category of PROMOTED A RS. We'll be waiting for the proof where SHG promoted a RS! Oh and while your rooting around in your files, pull out the docs and proof where we promoted it because we had intentions to once again day trade HFBG as you say hahaahahaha!

How about the extremely tall tale you told where you tried to convince everyone that SHG's old website was shut down haha? Do you remember that one you just completely made up? I dooooo. Here is a picture of the email sent by billing at Just Host to refute that outlandish fairy tale you made up. Oh and it was with Just Host not Go Daddy as you told everyone your DD dream team came up with lol... oops!

Wow this writing posts the length of War and Peace is pretty gnarly bro... but I will leave this post as is... and produce more where this came from to ask you to prove more stuff. So, start digging and start producing!!! You have spun many tales and for some odd reason no one ever seems to challenge your Pinocchio diaries and demand proof... like real hard proof bra! No, link backs to the original FABLE... actual proof you know paper bra... docs bra!!!