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07/27/05 3:48 AM

#1748 RE: ksquared #1747

Hi There, KK…

Yup! Damn shame that fantastic voice is now silent.

I also am awaiting the re-release of "It Ain't Easy".
If ya can’t wait till September, see iffin’ ya can find:
“A Thrill’s a Thrill” (The Canadian Years). A Double CD that I’d highly recommend if you’re a Baldry fan. (If anyone’s not a Baldry fan, then buy it anyway, and you’ll likely become a Baldry fan!)

"Boogie Woogie"… There’s another Baldry song named “Busker” (“It Still Ain’t Easy” CD). It’s a story of the busker profession as seen through the eyes of a boy… John knew how to tell a story! :-)

Back to “Thrill”...
It has a live version of “Boogie Woogie”, but sadly it lacks the monologue.
Other selections on “Thrill” include: “You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling”, “A Thrill’s a Thrill”, “Morning Dew”, “It Still Ain’t Easy”, “Midnight in New Orleans”.
There are others. Those were (some of) my favorites.
The other musicians are excellent too! Heck, would anything short of perfection be applicable given Mr. Baldry’s experience?

Sooner or later, those ‘broiled hills’ will benefit from the remnants of the hurricane season. Let’s hope the swing isn’t too radical.
Our summer has been kinda benign. ‘Cept for the increased (and now decreasing) hours of sunlight, generally it’s been warmer since the snow and ice has melted, but nothing extreme… Mostly mundane.

Life... keeps popping up new projects… Tough to finish those old ones with those new obstacles in the way… Someday I’ll catch up. Yeah, Right!

Have a good one!
