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01/21/12 12:50 AM

#165947 RE: F6 #165946

nice find F6


01/21/12 5:27 AM

#165961 RE: F6 #165946

The Georgia Birther ballot challenge

By Dr. Conspiracy on January 8, 2012 in 2012 Presidential

As I start this editorial, I’m not quite sure what I’m going to say. The story of the Georgia ballot challenge to Barack Obama’s eligibility is a fascinating, rich and multi-layered story with twists and turns and surprising connections. However, so much of that story was received in confidence that I don’t think I can write it, at least not now. What I will do is hold up the mirror and talk about how I feel and observe what I see not happening.

I’ve spent a lot of editorial energy on this site criticizing birthers and particularly their methods. I decry smears. I decry lies. I decry legal incompetence and frivolous lawsuits. But for once the Birthers have done the right thing.

The people of the State of Georgia in their wisdom have enacted legislation that allows Georgia voters to challenge the eligibility of candidates to appear on ballots in Georgia. The administrative lawsuit, Farrar v Obama, to be heard this month in Atlanta is an exercise by Georgia citizens of their legal rights to challenge what the Georgia Secretary of State did in approving Barack Obama for the 2012 primary ballot. Judge Malihi agreed when rejecting a motion to dismiss by Obama’s attorney Michael Jablonski.

Don’t misunderstand. I think Birther claims are the worst kind of nonsense. There are no legitimate grounds under which Barack Obama can be excluded from the presidential ballot, but that is beside the point. Birthers believe otherwise, and in Georgia they have the legal right to have those claims examined in court. So I applaud the birthers for following the law and seeking to have their grievances examined in an appropriate venue. What I fail to see is any respected anti-birther raising an objection to the Georgia process. Both sides have come together to agree on the rules of the contest.

That’s for now. There are a number of factors that will certainly upset the idyllic scene. The first factor is Orly Taitz, one of the plaintiffs’ attorneys. Keep in mind that the success the Birthers have had in Georgia is not due to Orly Taitz. She didn’t guide them through the process, and she didn’t write the motion that prevailed and prevented dismissal.
INSERT: I won!!! I won!!! I won!!! Judge Malihi ruled in my favor. Obama’s motion to quash my subpoena is
denied! He has to appear at trial and present all the documents that I demanded to produce in my subpoena!

We can expect Orly to engage in the same deplorable legal demeanor that we’ve seen before. The second factor is that there will be a winner and there will be a loser, and this has to happen advance of the March 6 Georgia Primary. The birthers, specifically, will lose. Once that happens, they will crucify Judge Malihi and deny the validity of the process that they themselves selected. It’s their nature.

One of the comments ..

Majority Will January 8, 2012 at 8:38 pm (Quote) #

Posted on | January 8, 2012

Orly thinks it’s a trial.

And it’s Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi. Appointed Judge in 1995.

Court Decisions (for future use):

The comments are interesting to one not steeped in the law, as you are.

Orly Taitz, is a deluded, foolish, narcissistic b.....