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01/19/12 3:12 AM

#2116 RE: oleseadog #2114

You may be right about next november. Behzad Shayanfar waits til the very last moment to do anything. He promised us reports back on dec 13 2011 and we never got them. Went into the mine site last thursday saw 50 head of deer and 5 bull elk. Also retreived 4 more buckets of samples to assay. We get our new smaller kiln next week to start assaying our material so we don't have to send it out. The Crusher is running but we still need to get the impact mill up to go into testing production. I figure if we get the reports back an drill this stock has potential, but only if we drill so that we can prove the gold is a depth. I personally could care less about this stock., no disrespect to you investors. I would like to see the project moving forward because it produces jobs for people. If they get the money to drill that is alot of trickle down econmics for the people. And if the large discovery is made could equal 300-400 full time jobs for 15-20 years. That would help our country. By the way if anyone cares to know I am not a geologist or miner. I am a pharmacist who has learned how to map, claim, and file. To aquire this nice piece of mineral realestate. we have had several geolgist in that say we have the right stuff. I am just enjoying learning that any american can file for mineral rights. Personally Ironwood in my opinion does not know to much about gold mining. But the did get lucky and hooked up with the falcon claim group that I believe has a property with million ounce potential. So you decide if you want to buy or sell. My enjoyment with this site is to tell you what I see going on up at the site and the truth is there is gold and silver there from the south skippy claims to 2 miles north to the Trafalgar claim. Have a nice evening all. wish I knew when the reports were coming out. elkomike