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01/16/12 10:14 AM

#36611 RE: Pockets #36605

I do own shares but I am not really out to convince you of that. Both pros and cons of a stock need to be heard on a message board and for some reason you guys ignore all the red flags on this one. Not sure why that is. GLTA

There is a HUGE difference between pointing out pros and cons and what you do! Nobody "ignores" red flags we just use logic to understand why some of those things haven't taken place yet, it's not hard. You are so thick that you choose NOT to see any upside so what is the difference? Answer, we see both sides of the coin WITHOUT bad mouthing the company! That is the difference. You CANNOT see the upsdie you just continually hammer any downside which most longs don't even see as a downside because they actually do DD unlike you and understand why some of the things you constantly speak of have not come to fruition.

I have stated, as most longs have, over and over that I DO have some concerns about HNSS as anyone with a substantial amount of money invested would, but any smart shareholder keeps a little faith instead of constantly bad mouthing. It isn't hard to see the manipulation that has taken place with this stock but again, you choose NOT to see it! Not because it isn't there, but because it doesn't go along with your agenda. I would love to see a big fat juicy PR but I am glad that the pps has gone up before any PR's have come out. Why would you want the pps in the trips when a PR comes out?? I would much rather see it rise naturally back to a managable level before we see any PR. I think most, outside of you of course, would!

Go ahead and get me deleted, I don't care as long as YOU get to read this. This will be my last response to such a closed minded "shareholder" as I choose to not make it a practice to associate with someone that is trying to make me lose money!!!!


01/16/12 10:40 AM

#36612 RE: Pockets #36605

Both pros and cons of a stock need to be heard on a message board and for some reason you guys ignore all the red flags on this one.

Healthnostics, Inc is designated by OTC as "Pink Sheet Limited Information" therefore speculation in the form of "pros and cons" has no basis in fact unless either the company has actually been researched or the company discloses material facts to the public.

HNSS voluntarily discloses quarterly financial information thru OTC. It also publishes PRs. Neither are required due to its OTC tier designation. The idea that "pros and cons" are involved is totally irrelevant. The general public either accepts company information or not. That the idea of "red flags" can be manufactured in blogs when a company is designated "limited information" is quite remarkable. Apparently, the general public isn't accepting so-called "red flags" on this one as the stock is up 250% year-to-date.