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04/04/01 12:08 PM

#802 RE: cksla #800

additional thoughts from GreaterGood

I posted on this board yesterday some things I see happening in EDIG's arena. I'm not sure this post will make any sense to anyone who has not read my first statements. If so you will have to search out my previous post for clarification.

Again as before I won't respond to questions, or comments regarding my post. I apologize if this offends people, but I really don't have the time to search through the posts here trying to locate a post that might be directed at me. It has also been my experience in viewing boards in the past that people who respond negatively toward a post usually, let me say not always, but again, usually have no intention of debating the issue, but are more intent in taking the poster off on a tangent where the original post and poster's integrity are called into question.

I have nothing to prove on a message board. What I say can be taken however each individual wants to take it.

I spend most of my time following trends. I have currently been focusing on the area of digital music and its distribution channels. I came across EDIG quite by chance while following leads on portable devices. It is a rather compelling story. I see some issues up ahead that EDIG will need to deal with, but they have a product that does seem to do as suggested. They also have a window of opportunity to make inroads into the portable device market.

I spoke of Creative being wounded at this time. If you look at what they are currently saying, and doing , you will see this to be true.

A company that is laying off 10% of its workforce, and consolidating its operations, i.e. closing a PA. plant and moving operations to Singapore is not playing from a position of strength. Reducing expenses and taking a restructuring charge are not signs of a thriving company.

Cutting the price on their Jukebox, while necessary, can not help their bottom line. It may be argued that what's the difference selling 10 for $1, or 1 for $10, revenue is the same. Yes, but with cost factored in, it becomes a different picture. If each of the units cost you .90 to make, then selling the 10 for $1 reaps you $1.00 profit. Selling the 1 for $10 reaps you $9.10.

Look for addition guidance lower as Creative works through its inventory.

This is not to say Creative is a bad company. Virtually all tech related companies are experiencing similar downturns. Its just at this time EDIG has an opportunity to capitalize on Creatives problems.

EDIG is not having these same difficulties. With the exception of their stock price they are currently in decent position. Cash in the bank, no debt, and hiring. They also have a timely product that allows first to market response. They are either close to, or in production of a 2g player that currently holds honors among the best out there.

As I stated before I watch trends. The company I am currently focusing on has been in the news lately, and will probably help shape this entire industry. I won't post it here as I believe that would be spamming. My focus on this board is EDIG, and it's competitors. EDIG does have a viable chance in this market. Time will tell if they accomplish there goals.

Incidentally, I also took a quick look at OBJX. I haven't had time to fully review their product line, but it seems they sold off their best product to Microsoft, and now rely on engineering fees for future revenue. I would have felt better about them if they had kept the rights, as opposed to becoming an engineering arm for Microsoft. Would seem Mr. Gates got the better of this deal. Don't take this to mean that I have totally discounted OBJX, as I'm no expert on their product. I have however, looked into the Iomega Hipzip, and unless they enhance this product, it won't make it at it's current price. Good luck.