"I have learned not to try and explain science on an I Hub site."
That sounds like a feeble excuse to me - but tell you what - send me a PM instead.
"Did you ever hear that they do not make two snow flakes alike. Well I think that AQLV has learned how to make two identical snowflakes.
Does that help?"
No. It sounds like more obscurantism coupled with a mere repeat of AQLV's absurd claims to me.
All I am asking you for is a plausible rationale, reconcilable with the laws of science that explains how water can be permanently "programmed" to treat cancer and AIDS by placing it in a magnetic field as AQLV claim.
That shouldn't be too difficult to do, surely?
Although when I asked Dr. Sleight to explain or even discuss his incredible results, in the politest of terms, he refused to engage too.
Which, frankly, is not how real scientists behave.