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07/24/05 4:02 PM

#27668 RE: ifitlooks #27661

ifitlooks: You're onto something here...well, as far as putting the pieces of the puzzle together for others on the "outside" to see. Like I made mention at the playground (RBB), "Sure, speculation and opinion is always welcome and in most cases, necessary since dealing w/ public companies one can only gather so much information." It's up to us to see what's good/bad/indifferent by hashing around logical thoughts of coherence and connection between what is "seen" and what is "unseen".

What you've uncovered here is some of what can be "seen". Fear, insinuation and innuendo are products of what is "unseen", which is what one mainly gets when they venture to the 'playground' (RBB). I will try to steer others who really want to know, here, because of the other real investors that post here wanting to truly know and understand what they own.

I admit, I don't always do some of the oblique, intense digging that others provide around here (once I've made my mind up sometimes, that's it...end of story), (of which I'm very grateful for (but not yet 'dead' ;)), but w/ the information provided by others, I do think that I can lend a hand by helping to "put the pieces of the puzzle together" to be able to express to others who care, the opinion of WHY, whether or not get "involved".

Much like movies, I don't often remember the details, but I can tell one if it was worth seeing or not seeing (wasting time on). But as it goes w/ movies for me, I can never remember all the "gorry" details but I can say w/ some validity, whether or not it's a movie worth wasting time on. I try what little I can.

Fortunately, NeoMedia's executives have been blessed with the drive, intuition and vision to go out and "get it" with what they have, and see it to fruition. With that and the fact that myself and my family are here at this point, it just mind-boggling to me. I'm sure, the same is with everybody else who's here now. Truly, Thankful.

There is a reason why we are all here, and it's all good. I don't know for why or what yet, but it's all good. I guess that's all I'm saying.

Thanx for the info and the indulgence.


07/25/05 9:52 AM

#27709 RE: ifitlooks #27661

'ifitlooks' . I agree it is huge. And it was huge on Sept. 13, 2004...when the news broke. :)