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01/13/12 12:48 PM

#241969 RE: Las Vegas #241960

Questions for upcoming Conference Call.
1. What is the current IP strategy?
2. Are the patents still for sale?
3. What revenue is classified as "Barcode Reader" versus "Barcode Management & Infrastructure?"
4. Do you anticipate more outside directors will be added to the board?
5. What are the plans for generating organic growth in campaign management sales?
6. What are the first positions to be filled in the new hiring plan?
7. With a quickly approaching default date this June, what are the plans to address this key investor concern?
8. Does NeoMedia have a new break-even date?
9. Are their plans to integrate 1D functionality into NeoReader?
10. Describe the current relationship with Neustar.
11. Please describe the current sales force. (ie., internal reps, outsourced reps, Global IP, or other accomplishments or areas of focus). Has there been an acting sales director since Bruce Braun and David Miller have departed?
12. Please provide 2012 predictions specifically for Neomedia, rather than the market as a whole. Where does Neomedia see itself going this year?
13. What is the share count as of date of conference call?
14. NeoMedia Technologies saw a 240 percent rise in mobile barcode scans via its scanning software application NeoReader® on Black Friday 2011 compared to last year, including 13 percent growth in 2D scans over 1D.
Was there an increase over the Christmas Holiday period? How much?
15. As we saw with the recent National Crime Prevention Council deal, NeoMedia's continuing 2010-2011 strategy of providing free campaigns. Is this an on-going sales strategy for NeoMedia? At what rate are these deals flipping into revenue-based campaigns?
16. In 2011, we observed a revenue emphasis morph from IP licensing to campaign management and then back to IP licensing. What have you learned and where are headed in 2012-2013?
17. Laura, on May 30, 2011, Bena Roberts asked you the following question: “There was a mention of an eBay deal but there has been little else on NeoMedia championing barcodes within operators, brands and agencies. Why?”
You replied: “I would love to be announcing all of the deals that we have in place but, for the most part, our brand clients are not willing to press release their campaigns or our deals with them at this time. …NeoMedia will publish case studies, customers or sales wins at times where it is beneficial for both our customer and our business and helps to drive our operations. I expect you will be seeing more news from us in 2011.”
Will we see many announcements of deals in 2012?
18. NEOM has been completely reliant upon YA for funding- this has decimated shareholder value while propping up the company. What plans are there in place for reversing this trend- paying back YA while delivering on your promise to represent all shareholders?
19. Looking at past CEO's: Copus: brought in by YA when PPS was much higher, then bought up companies with NEOM stock and sealed the downward spiral of shareholder value... Hoffman: said that the company value based upon patents, etc. was easily 300million- no traction and left... McCready: stated that he was here because of his ability to find financing- obviously failed and left... now LM, making some 388k a year with a continued plan to educate on codes... based upon these less than successful past leaders, how is LM's approach an improvement and, even after years of 'educating', why has it not reaped financial benefits for the company and stockholders?
20. What is the current plan for monetizing patents and company reliance on those patents?
21. NDA's have been either speculated upon or outright stated by the company as to the reason for lack of news regarding partnerships, customers, etc. IF these are truly in place, even as unnamed collaborations, why is revenue from business continually a pittance of what this space is capable of supplying?
22. The company moved from Fort Meyers to Atlanta to improve its image, transportation options and visability.. it 'opened' offices in NYC for sales and to be close to the business center of the US. It has offices in Germany. Why haven't these moves panned out, and why is a move to Boulder an improvement? What do you hope to benefit from with such a move?
23. Gavitec. What is the rationale for funding this aspect of the business and what is it doing for NEOM now and in the future.
24. Has counsel determined if our patents cover managed-direct, as was indicated as pending legal counsel review during a prior conference call.