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01/12/12 11:10 AM

#77388 RE: Star Gazer #77386

Thanks Star Gazer, That is good information to add to my brain.

I would think at some point they will go to 2 or 3 shift but baby steps at first and then move up as they go. If most everyone on this board is correct PCFG was in Production all of December so we should get an idea on what those returns are for the current setup. But unfortunately PCFG does not have to release that information until March 25th 2012. From what I have been reading on line it appears people are expecting PCFG to file their 10-K around that date.

Sure is a long wait we have to go through if that is the case. In the mean time isn't there suppose to be some sort of release this month on one of PCFG other mines where they drilled more wholes for samples to verify specific mineral's at that location and the new value based on 2012 prices?


01/12/12 11:19 AM

#77389 RE: Star Gazer #77386

Been waiting 7 + years now Mitch ~ don't let all your loyal shareholders down...