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07/22/05 11:46 PM

#366 RE: Growth And Value #364

Yeah he did the same with CTKH when it was at .0002 last year, subsequently a few weeks later or about a month later it went to .007 So since I see him acting the same here is a clear signal we have a winner in UNQT.


07/23/05 2:24 AM

#367 RE: Growth And Value #364

re: "...What's up with that? Pump there, bash here?..."

thats not true at all

its just that most people only see what they "want" to see

and on RB there are so many shills/pumpers, i feel the need to add some balance/common sense/facts...but it ends up getting lost in the sauce of the personality battles
i post essentially the same info on both threads you think i am so stupid to post under the same alias and think that a difference of opinion would go unnoticed?
[btw, ask admin. matt...i used to have a different posting alias on IHUB, it was me that requested a unified user name]

let me ask you this: if one decides they "like" a stock, should they emotionally just buy at whatever level...or take into consideration other factors that could pressure SP, and wait for a better entry level?
...its called discipline

and those that dont employee discipline many times have to suffer through the "natural" downturn of a stock...and end up wishing and praying for SP just to get back to levels for breakeven

many believe i have some nefarious reason for what i do, and forget about the timeline and where SP was when i began unfortunate

and do you honestly believe one individual can influence SP so dramatically when a companys marketing/promotion efforts are worldwide?
...i seriously doubt it
i am just "riding" the [again] natural ebb of SP, and mentioning the factors that contribute to that "pullback"
one can fight it kicking and screaming...but as the_borg_queen said..."resistance is futile"

i stand by my "record" [as it were] on the stocks i have been critical of [at certain price points]
and i KNOW that you will find my accuracy level to be well above 80% [not too shabby]

meanwhile, people can believe what they want, and think that my only purpose is like woody...troublemaker, lol

...and woody says, trade 'em, dont marry 'em