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01/24/03 10:44 PM

#34 RE: Bob Zumbrunnen #33

Portal concerns?

Actually, Matt was making noise recently about doing a revamped homepage. As poor as Matt is at this kind of design, I'm far worse, so the task falls to him.

Actually Bob, becoming a PORTAL is not as painful as you might think. Take a look at YAHOO! It is proclaimed to be the largest portal on the Internet. But what does THAT mean?

Yahoo is, and always HAS BEEN nothing more than a conglomerate of the largest number of links available to a web user on the Internet today.

Big Deal! IHUB could do the same thing.

Why is Yahoo the number one destination on the website? Only due to familiarity!

Even used to NOT BE KNOWN on the Internet. Now Google is the largest known Search Engine on the Internet.

If Matt would like my help to enhance the home page of IHUB to make it more "user friendly" as a , ummmmm, "portal" .....I'd be glad to assist!

There used to be an Internet Phrase known as "STICKINESS". It related to how a website could KEEP people 'glued' to their website. This is what I mean when I discuss this.


Think about Do you truly believe that Raging Bull remains succesful because of it's own right? Nah! Raging Bull is still successful because it became a PART of LYCOS.COM! Yahoo Finance is the same story.

For IHUB to ever become the destination site that it is capable of, it needs to have a more functional, variable, and worthwhile HOMEPAGE.

The Message Board functions are the most difficult part of any "PORTAL" ......the rest...for the most links to other interesting websites of daily interest. For the most part, Yahoo understood that concept, long ago!