Calvin and his illegal scheming regime "think" I do not own 50% Super Voting Shares and yes they "think and say" I can't add, I'am a fool, he conned me, pulled wool over my eyes, ad nauseum......ALL FALSE!
IT WILL BE PROVEN I HAVE OWNED 50% SUPER VOTING SHARES SINCE 5/17/2011 and a Director since 3/22/11!
It will not be proven here but you will get the official announcement.
If Godfrey was given 2.5 million shares before the other 25 million were authorized which is what the other filings suggest, then they would have had to allow his vote on the new 25 million authorized. Because they diod not allow his vote, the 25 million shares have never been legally authorized. Therefore, there are only 5 million legally authorized shares in the company. Corporate law governs this public company.