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07/22/05 4:21 PM

#2074 RE: BornAgain #2073

There is no question a PR is coming very near. Its good we need one. The general public has been very patient. They have listened to our DD that came from allot of work. They have trusted in it and bought IVFH thanks to many great shareholders here like yourself, stock, Rob Catini, etc.... But the time is now for the company to begin to speak and begin to prove everything we believe to be true. I dont expect the first PR to be a blockbuster killer but it will be positive and many will follow as we move forward


07/22/05 5:14 PM

#2076 RE: BornAgain #2073

Yes, I agree. 14 cents is not really what I would consider to be a market value for this stock. What is market value? Market value is the typical price paid by a willing buyer under normal circumstances. This definition does not include situations that lead to a decline (or upswing) due to unusual conditions. The question is would this stock only be 14 cents if Debbie never started her phone calls? It was trading at much higher numbers before the Debbie scandal (note: some if not all those accused in this crime are now "living" out of country). If you go back to the price history (go to Yahoo) you will see that this stock was around 25 on the low to approximately 35 on the high a week or two before Debbie. My guess at that time was that the market price was around 25-28 cents. The OS was probably closer to 51.5 million than the current 83.5+/- million. Contributing to the lower price valuation today is the paucity of press on the company. We have not had a PR in 4 months. Obviously many feel uneasy about this as shown in the low price of only 14 cents, but I do not. In fact, I like it. After the largest scam (in terms of complaints to the SEC) ever to hit the market, and IVFH had no direct or indirect involvement per the SEC, no wonder the company is playing it close to the vest with PR's. I would play it exactly like they are: PR only really important events and only after an official move has been made to get off the pinks. The pinks are too mercurial and due to widespread manipulation many investors simply do not invest in pink sheet stocks. My wife is an example. The first question out of her mouth when I tell her about finding a possible new good company to invest in is: "Are they pink?"

Most PR's, especially from pinks and OTCbb stocks, are fluff - I would say approximately 7 out of 10. Chef Jon told me that IVFH will NOT put out fluff PR's. This is really important to understand because if they do indeed have 12+/- PR's like they told two investors on this board at the SHM in NYC on July 6, imagine the news that is about to hit this stock. 12 PR's - ALL WITH SUBSTANCE. My guess is that the first PR will occur within the next 10 days (key word is "within") and will be followed up by important news. So, it may not be advisable to "sell into the news." On the other hand, a PR confirming (and maybe an 8-k to follow it up) that a fully documented move to the OTCbb was just sent to the SEC will send a message to the investment community that this company does exactly what it says. So, the first PR after 4 months of silence is extremely important. Once issued, it will not only confirm what they have been saying but will definitely start moving the pps closer to what the true market price should be. I hate to beat a dead horse, but I look at BRAVO and cannot get over how much higher priced that stock is compared to IVFH. If their drink was real good and was going to sell big time, then I fully agree with its valuation. But, this drink in its present formula is not good imo. The truth probably lies in between - Bravo should be lower and IVFH should be priced higher. Just my opinion - I have shares in IVFH but not with BRAVO, so some may think this to be biased. One last thing: if a PR is not released next week, that is actually good for people that are long-term like me because it may create some minor weakness in the stock and we could get cheaper shares. I bought some more today (again) but had to pay 14.5 cents. The dip last week was really needed for the longer-term story on this baby. With the right combination of PR's timed correctly, we will see over 30 cents (sooner than I predicted a month ago). And, if one of those 12 PR's is about a share buy back or retirement of 200 million AS, this stock will be in the 50's before you know it. I also hope that the PR's are spead out and timed correctly, but obviously they cannot be released over a longer period of time because they would get too dated. Then again, GMTH recently released an 8-k that took place in August 2004. ALL Just my opinion, but I could be spot on. Do not buy based on what I say, but what the company tells you directly. Call them before you make a significant investment. Things change on a daily basis and there is always the possibility that something changed that could affect the stock either negatively or positively. So, do the dd on what you invest in (I think most will be impressed with Chef Jon as well as with others in management). BTW: Thanks Burn and of course David for you invaluable contributions in collecting information on this company. The thing that I like is that its all from a SHM that is essentially public or taken from public means with your own speculation and analysis.
I will not mention names, but I was a shareholder in a company where a group of investors was getting "inside" info on a daily/weekly basis, so when a PR was released the stock usually went down in large part because the information in the PR was already known and already reflected in the share price. Very frustrating. This is yet another reason why I like that IVFH is not putting out PR's just to put out PR's. This pretty much tells me that the CEO cannot be "bought." This also tells me that the management is here to make this a major winner.