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01/10/12 9:30 AM

#246339 RE: SLO-sider #246327

I'd much rather recoup my money.

That's refreshing, not that most of us wouldn't but I'm parsing this so ...

Jail time for pinky "execs" (I use that term loosely) is almost unheard of.

I think all of this is overblown and have been at pains to just deduce the logic out of the assumptions. A general tour of this playground will produce bigger and badder bullies and even the ones that get 'caught' are usually slapped with such absurd penalties, such as a 6 month or 12 month ban of playtime that it renders it meaningless.

When I bought this POS, I actually thought it was a legitimate business, in no small part, due to the proselytizing of one "thanksforthememories" who turned out to be the biggest crook of all.

Same here though I was initially very skeptical, that is until Daddy slipped some mind altering drug through the HVAC system during one of his fireside chats. I disagree about the subject of proselytizing you mention, most of us were doing similar considering the drug induced haze we were under. In hindsight there were others holding that overblown, lofty chair that disappeared without a trace, that if we are going to give so much credence to just to begin with ought to tell us something. Did anyone actually believe there were, ahem ... Billionaires involved with this?

I woud shed no tears if the whole lot went to jail, but I would much rather have my wager (can't really call it an investment) back.

Same here SLO, it's the latter and it always has been for me. The rest of this noise I could care less about short of putting the onus back on the king proselytizer\storyteller, who ironically is back in the mix sans orange jumpsuit (Who's your Daddy?) and more strangely as a mere background entity so the emphasis can be shifted to the 'real bad-guys' - I'm not buying it but of course I can't sell it either. Just give me back my wager as you astutely called it, that's all that this is about.