Anyone that reads this that can honestly say that a CEO of any company, Dunkin Doughnuts, PHARMSTAR Pharmaceuticals or whoever should NOT address and answer these legitimate concerns, you are in effect saying HOWARD and PHAR are just a stinky PINK scam.
Its ok for these companies to never be honest ,if no one demands answers. The first words in a public statement 9months ago used ABSOLUTE TRANSPARENCY as a theme to start his public try with AQUAPRIN..
If i read your post, SET ASIDE EMOTION, refer to dictionary what transparency means,, i cant help but conclude that waiting so long, and yet to answer these and other relevent concerns,,, its the opposite of transparency. NO matter how much i try to sugar coat it , I SAY ANSWER THE DAM-QUESTIONS IF YOU TRULY ARE TRANSPARENT AND YOU CARE FOR YOUR INVESTORS.
If any believe they are not like a normal pink, AND ALL IS ON TRACK AND ALL IS GOOD,fully transparent, no fuzzy math etc. why is everybody scared to confront? ARE we more afraid of what he might say AND MANY ARE NOT BEING TRUTHFUL when many claim in your conversations with HOWARD, HE SAYS all is good. If it is that way, you should and HOWARD should come forward and yell it to his investors. NEVER SHOULD ANYONE BE AFRAID TO GIVE ANSWERS IF ALL IS OK.. IF ITS NOT, THEN THERE IS SILENCE..
Me and you CC havent always seen eye to eye, but i 100% am with you ON THIS POST. We probably have butted heads as much as anyone on the board.. Its not over the top, its not unreasonable, JUST LOOOOOONG OVERDUE QUESTIONS THAT most should have already been addressed. TO ME THATS JUST GOOD BUSINESS Sense FOR A CEO TO GET OUT IN FRONT,,NOT EVER LET SUCH A VAST VARIENCE IN OPINIONS OF WHAT HIS COMPANY IS and its health EXIST... HE HAS TO KNOW IT
Hope you and family are well gltu