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01/06/12 7:20 AM

#134467 RE: DewDiligence #134464

Thats actually a pretty interesting finding! I was surprised it was only 2000IU/d too. I think someone on SI (Maybe Ian?) posted a video a while back about some doc claiming Vitamin D was more of a super Vitamin and how he would increase his intake when sick. I think he took much higher doses too. I take Vitamin D but thought the doc was a bit of a quack but maybe he is really on to something?


01/06/12 9:39 AM

#134475 RE: DewDiligence #134464

re: vitamin d and svr

Suprising numbers of russians in the study, but perhaps that reflects hep c patient mix in israel..

If the russians in the study are recent immigrants (which i assume they are) they may be more likely to have vitamin d deficiency so the results may not be applicable to other populations.


01/06/12 12:00 PM

#134482 RE: DewDiligence #134464

Fibrosis and vitamin D as independent SVR correlates could explain the strong results for PSI-7977. The trials were in healthier New Zealand patients.


01/17/12 11:04 PM

#135256 RE: DewDiligence #134464

This Vitamin-D study suggests that even rock-bottom
serum levels might be too high. Comments?

When Too Much Vitamin D Is Too Much

January 12, 2012

Too much vitamin D may be just as bad as too little, a recent study suggests.

Vitamin D supplements reduce blood levels of C-reactive protein, or CRP, an indicator of inflammation that is linked to cardiovascular disease. But supplements help only up to a point.

In a study of more than 15,000 adults ages 18 to 85, researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that after blood levels exceeded 21 nanograms per milliliter — the lower end of what is usually considered normal — any additional vitamin D led to an increase in CRP. [But actual CV outcomes were apparently not evaluated in this study.]

The association held after the researchers accounted for the effects of factors like obesity, smoking, cholesterol and high blood pressure. There was also a dose-response relationship: Above 21 units, each 10-unit increase in vitamin D was accompanied by an increase of 0.06 milligrams per deciliter in CRP.

“Vitamin D is good to a certain level,” said the lead author, Dr. Muhammad Amer, an assistant professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins. “But don’t just keep on taking it. Have your blood drawn and your levels checked.”

Previous studies of vitamin D supplementation have produced inconsistent results, with some trials showing a decrease in inflammatory markers and others showing no effect. The finding that the benefit is apparent only at lower levels of vitamin D, the authors write, may help explain these conflicting findings.

The study was published online in The American Journal of Cardiology.