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Eli's Gone

01/05/12 9:14 PM

#53516 RE: sirhaggus #53513

Agree---tho' it would be nice if Calypso's by-laws left little for interpretation--such as the ridiculous verbiage concerning who can call a special meeting and the voting requirements to remove a director...other companies domiciled in Delaware succintly spell things like that out with no "wills" and "shalls" and directly state that no director can be removed without the vote of "x" % of the outstanding shares issued-with no "at an election of directors then entitled to vote" crappola...

just my opinion :-)
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01/05/12 9:29 PM

#53518 RE: sirhaggus #53513

And what about the purported argument by mgmt that there are no recorded minutes which establish the existence of the audit and governance committees? That's laughable if Pierce was once on those committees, tacit proof they functioned and existed IMHO.