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01/05/12 2:38 PM

#52363 RE: Elijah3820 #52360

why? We have his mangers dad on the roaster and the kid owns a sliver of the company.


Secret Elmo: PR Launches Top-Secret, Tenth-Anniversary Elmo Toy to Revitalize the Brand and Industry
By Frank Zeccola

If you think it's counterintuitive to keep a product a total secret right up until launch, you should consider that the top-secret "T.M.X" Elmo launch not only reinvigorated sales for the fallen-from-grace Elmo toy, but it also sparked the toy industry's most prolific sales day in history. It was September of 2006, and the media began calling it "The Elmo Effect" as shoppers infiltrated malls to begin holiday shopping more than three months before Christmas. It was an unprecedented start for holiday retailers.


01/05/12 2:43 PM

#52367 RE: Elijah3820 #52360

Yes because everyone knows Bieber has a secret fetish for Vietnamese robots. You know "big ones, service ones etc etc"

He's hooked up with 7 companies last I checked. This robot company may be one and it may not. But if you really think he's not there for RAB and PhoneGuard then I will make you the same deal I made Gmoney or whatever your cohort's name is.

What do you say?



01/05/12 2:45 PM

#52369 RE: Elijah3820 #52360

IN my opinion OPMG is doing it the right way finally and is going to blow to doors off at CES. There is complaining when they give dates and events, there is complaining when they don't. Right now, this investment at this price is a solid one. Look at what you know.


01/05/12 2:50 PM

#52375 RE: Elijah3820 #52360

RE I saw that. His bigger focus is the robot company. If he was going to be a main factor for Phoneguard that would have been in the PR IMO

Good call.

The Japanese probably paid him a huge chunk for the appearance. It's going to have a lot of pagentry (sp?). I can't imagine him working the Cellaris/Phoneguard booth and being mobbed....... St Clair has other plans for him.

I do believe he accepted the Robot gig, so he could be in Vegas with the Phoneguard team and meet for dinner and discussions afterwards...



01/05/12 2:57 PM

#52377 RE: Elijah3820 #52360

I think Bieber will create a huge response from all media outlets regardless of what booth he is being mobbed at;
PhoneGuard will be showing his COMMERCIALS for PhoneGuard.

As long as PhoneGuard is present and running the Bieber Commercials, it will be seen and covered. The social issue of distracted driving is HOT HOT HOT right now; politicians will be touting thier support of new bills to stop texting- Bieber's endorsement will be played on news reports world wide.

Covering the new TV's and tablets will be the same ole, same ole stuff - here's a twist -

A "feel good" story that saves lives. It doesn't get any better than that.

go big or go home! PhoneGuard going BIGLY !

Shadow Trader

01/05/12 7:05 PM

#52477 RE: Elijah3820 #52360

Elijah and MoneyG: His appearance at CES is based on a 3rd party web article. I have seen no PR for the "robot company" or from Justin Bieber that says it is their "bigger" focus, or that he will be appearing. He might be at their booth for 5 minutes holding a robot. Big deal. Based on the article, we can assume JB will be present for CES. Can either of you give any proof that he will not be appearing for PhoneGuard or any proof that he will be focusing primarily on robots at CES 2012? Please post your findings.