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01/05/12 12:01 PM

#12349 RE: dnizzle6 #12347

MP products have higher quality ingredients and are formulated different. This is the main reason why they have so many loyal customers, the stuff just works better. They didn't re-invent the wheel, they just made it better.


01/05/12 12:15 PM

#12351 RE: dnizzle6 #12347

I think the gels are a great example of a product that is unique and huge market expansion potential. I find Combat's solubility is much better than the competition, and Assault is an awesome product. It seems like MP has been committed to introducing the highest quality products target to top athletes. You do not see low end products introduced. It is one of the only Companies that have products that are certified by NSF along with numerous clinical studies.

This commitment really helps the Companies reputation and carves is niche to athletes vs body builders. Yet it seems body builders use the products.

Dr Stockenstein

01/05/12 12:42 PM

#12355 RE: dnizzle6 #12347

As someone who has taken a variety of pre-workouts and proteins throughout the past couple years I can safely say Muscle Pharm's products are by far the most superior I have ever used. I figured I would give some of the reasons why I am still long on MSLP and think their future is very bright:

Assault with the added BCAA's is by far the most effective pre-workout (unless you want to get cracked out before you work out...then use jack3d haha). Great tasting and mixes great. #2 on

Combat is the best tasting protein I have ever used. Mixes great with WATER which is sometimes hard to find. Fantastic flavors too.

Other products such as MuscleGel (great concept), Shred Matrix, and Armor-V (number #11 selling product on BB with a 9.7/10 rating) are all more reasons to love this company.

Even MP Creatine has snuck into the top 50 on BB and their new black shakers are currently the number #37 product on the site - not bad, I would say.

Their brand recognition is growing extremely fast with the UFC/NFL sponsorships as well as the quickly expanding clothing line.

Revenues have increased each year.

Cory Gregory, although probably not a great business leader, knows what he wants out of MP and will not stop until he gets it.

There are some things this company needs to stop doing: diluting (obviously), buying Lambo's for their athletes, focusing too much attention of having a vast product line instead of 5 or so products they know will sell (JMO).

I have always believed the pros outweight the cons immensely in this company. I am looking forward to what the next financials will look like and of course the Walmart deal!

Good luck to all!