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01/04/12 10:52 PM

#153046 RE: Rawnoc #153027

Feels like more than a parking ticket, and definitely feels like the opposite of heaven.

Need to secure funds ASAP. Then, real results from just one processor would be nice too. Do that, and we'll all survive.

Momma did NOT say there would be days like this.

Still believing, even if everyone I know is trying to drag me to the insane asylum.


01/04/12 11:07 PM

#153060 RE: Rawnoc #153027

Just a few questions that might be making potential investors a tad shy on the "buy" button....

1. Who pays for the legal fees of the upcoming "trial of the century?" What are the estimated legal fees and how does that amount square with JB's personal wealth?

2. Who runs JBII during the appeal process?

3. Does JB take his secret catalyst and abandon the idea of a publicly traded company if he loses the appeal? In the rebuttal PR, I saw no commitment to JBII shareholders in the form of JB stating explicitly that he will do his all in the service of JBII regardless of the final appeal outcome.

4. Do you seriously believe that existing/potential partners will dismiss the SEC findings as easily as you and the other diehard, thanks-for-the-opportunity-to-buy-more-at-these-cheap-prices (again) crew?

5. Can you now admit that JB has been a CEO who has made numerous large blunders in his short stint on the job, and that under the guidance of a more experienced and less ego-maniacal CEO, the company would have more credibility (and all the benefits that come with it) than it is currently, uh,.... enjoying?

6. Does anyone else see a possible oneness in the , uh, accounting methods that valued the media credits at 10 million bucks and recently reported gross margins at 83%

I'll say one thing: never a dull moment with this company!

the big guy

01/04/12 11:43 PM

#153073 RE: Rawnoc #153027

like I said, it is like charging Al Capone with tax fraud. It can at least be proven.

Most of the conspiracy theories are probabably correct, they just can't be proven.


01/04/12 11:58 PM

#153081 RE: Rawnoc #153027

P2O or call it PU2,,just as long as this thing bounces around the room like a superball I'll be real happy