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07/20/05 2:31 PM

#13772 RE: amarksp #13769

Had some extensive discussions with Nick and others on the safehaven forum a year ago.

Summary: read (edit, d2mn it!, only got 8 stupid pages, where is page 56 I want.... links! link! ... scrap this link)
and google for
next, do your own thing <vbg>

I introduced a correction in my charts for the net comm position, which is arithmetically incorrect, but takes somewhat into account the "fiscal paradise positions" (non-reportable) of some commercials which (that is my opinion, prove the contrary!) that they have back-to-back positions, short money losing reportable in the US, long in the fiscal paradise (non-reportable). Meaning that, in the case of gold, the non-reportable positions are paramount in the analysis (mutual-, hedge-, index-, pension -funds...). Next I am working on. (Working? Big word: man has not been created to work. Proof of it is that you can get tired of working.)

Nick sticks with the actual data, I am certain that he is working on the Briese system. More to come as they say.

For my part, I stick with these (still working on it and trying to have them even more readable)... but ... time, ... browsing,.. Summertime, ... lazyness...(scrap this one, dad is thinking...ron...zzzzzz!)