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Diogenes of Sinope

12/30/11 7:51 PM

#32144 RE: GioMustang #32143

This part in particular evoked an undeniable sense of deja vu--I knew I had seen a similar "script" many years ago:
Doctors saw users experiencing bad reactions once a month, but now see them weekly. Users suffer everything from vomiting, elevated blood pressure and seizures to extreme agitation, anxiety and delusions.

Hurst said the behavior in many cases he witnessed at first seemed akin to schizophrenia. Usually within minutes, however, the person became completely lucid. Sometimes, the person goes in and out of such episodes for days.

He recalled one especially bizarre case of a sailor who came in with his sobbing wife.

"He stood their holding a sandwich in front of him with no clue as to what to do," he said. "He opened it up, looked at it, touched it. I took it and folded it over and then he took a bite out it. But then we had to tell him, 'you have to chew.'"
If you have not seen this yet, watch it at your discretion over the holidays. You will then understand my "recall".

The item below starts at the 1:15 minute mark.

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12/31/11 1:08 PM

#32147 RE: GioMustang #32143

Yes Gio, I was prescribed Marinol (synthetic) from my neuroligist once. It's nothing like the real stuff. CBIS$$$