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12/30/11 9:24 AM

#36158 RE: Pockets #36144

Why are all these things going on under the surface? Why isn't Black talking to us and providing transparency? The only reason I can think of is that the financials aren't what he says they are, there is probably little to nothing going on regarding wipes production, etc.etc.

Easy answer. See my post #36139 that has links which directly answer your concerns.


(1) Healthnostics, Inc. does not hide the fact that it is Pink Sheet "Limited Information" on OTC board.

(2) Limited information addresses comments related to "transparency". Shareholders accept that fact going in or THEY DON'T BUY THE STOCk.

(3) Financials are published thru OTC. They are VOLUNTARILY published at no one's urging but their own. They do this as a SERVICE TO SHAREHOLDERS. They are not required to do so because they are Pink Sheet Limited Information.

(4) What is going on with the Company is well-documented in their financials which indicates HNSS is growing and remarkably (for a PInk Sheet company) earning profits in consecutive quarters.

(5) We can thank our lucky stars Mr. Black IS NOT WASTING TIME TALKING TO SHAREHOLDERS but busy earning profits for shareholders which the financials clearly indicate.