rrdog, I've admired your style of expressing an unique, over-arching viewpoint, but am having difficulty unjangling what you just wrote, that"...PPHM telegraphed a meeting in the fourth quarter with the FDA which morphed into a virtual meeting with written iterations." The points of departure are, specifically, "telegraphed", "morphed", "virtual meeting", and "written iterations". I won't parse each of those terms. I'll simply say that I find them, uh, disturbing? You wrote,"PPHM did not promise hard information beyond that." True. There have been, and remain, no promises. "... or an FDA decision." True again> Nobody has anticipated an FDA decision. We have been told specifically that there would be a meeting by this time. I'd like to know why...if...it has happened. Iteration, morph, virtual, or telegraphed. Period.