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12/28/11 12:54 PM

#53717 RE: StevenW #53716

Of course, if I would have heard the CEOs gave up a portion
of the shares issued to them personally in order to raise this
cash, I'd be buying right now.

I wouldn't be buying, but I sure would be more comfortable with
this investment.
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12/28/11 1:16 PM

#53723 RE: StevenW #53716

AGAIN, I HAVE TO CALL BULL$HIT! If you were "comfortable" with the explaination you got, and every other poster who actually called Jeff was "comfortable" with the explaination they got, I will assume (and I know that's a dangerous thing to do when it comes to investments) that EVERYONE who heard the same explaination would be "comfortable" or maybe even EXCITED about the future prospects! Why not SHARE THIS COMFORTING INFO WITH EVERYBODY?

If that were done, maybe we would have been continuing our climb from the high .006's that we saw before this news flash yesterday, instead of hanging out in the low 5's!

I still believe there is covering that needs to be done by the end of the week, and that Fins will be positive, and that we are going up from here, but that doesn't change the fact that Jeff and Frank threw an unwelcomed fly into the ointment here. Before anyone tells me to call Jeff or Frank, I'll tell you why I'm not bothering this time. Because it doesn't matter what they tell me, or what I believe. It matters what the Market HEARS AND BELIEVES, and they are either full of $h1t, or too dumb to realize this. Either way, it does not make me "comfortable"!

Still holding, but greatly disappointed and unimpressed with the fact that they just don't get it!