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Replies to #58865 on MediaG3 (MDGC)
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12/27/11 7:50 PM

#58866 RE: Cassandra #58865

In a sense they do. It's called the technology of constructing a somewhat convincing lie! HAHAHA
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12/27/11 8:44 PM

#58867 RE: Cassandra #58865

According to both MediaG3's and CCI's websites offering the service, the wireless broadband is not a wifi signal. You have to have a large external antenna wired to inside the home.

This photo is not included on the MDGC Imperial Wireless website.

It also appears that there needs to be an individual sending antenna per customer.
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takin a chance

12/28/11 9:26 AM

#58870 RE: Cassandra #58865

Not until March, but you know that