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12/23/11 4:15 PM

#52685 RE: litton51 #52679

I believe that this latest blowhard rant has driven you deep into the weeds as concerns CLYW. We do not have a case of cooperate espionage going on here.We have a case of in house conspirancy, lies,collusion.
We are the victims of one of the worst case stories ever to happen to a once upon a time listed stock.
Add to the list , false PR's as to mislead shareholders into buying shares!!
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12/23/11 4:53 PM

#52691 RE: litton51 #52679

CLYW isn't a particularly unique "object" in this... rather than just another instance. It's not like the world is humming along just fine, now, and there is this one anomaly where a fraud worth BILLIONS is being practiced to steal this particular value from CLYW shareholders... as if that were a deviation from "ops normal" in market function now ? Have you been watching what is happening in banking ? Note anything unusual in MF Global's failure modes... that has CLYW sharing more features with that fraud... than it does with the frauds that were practiced against, say, Bear Stearns, or WaMu ?

If you've not noted that SAME logic in corruption in financial markets is tearing them apart right now ? What has anyone found that is distracting enough to allow anyone to miss that ?

The fiction in yours is based in the fallacy of an appeal to ignorance... that asks us to ignore all that is inherent now in how the "market" system DOES work... to pretend that the natural result of how it does work now... would require an anomaly in a specific plan to address just this one thing... ???

So, why did the DOJ sue AT&T for technology suppression in 2009... settle out of court... and seal the files ?

The problem is, particularly here, you can't have it both ways...

That the tech 923 defines is "revolutionary" and "disruptive" and the patent "seminal"... while the rest of the argument developed depends on thinking that means it will naturally be ignored by all those to whom a revolutionary, disruptive technology and a seminal patent... are a threat ?

Everyone (here, at least) appears to agree the patent is valid... in spite of Daic's ham-fisted efforts to undermine that validity and its inherent value...

Everyone here.... including yourself... repeatedly notes that a large value under tow means there is likely to be a struggle...

So... I'll let you explain that part...

Why is that we should expect to see a struggle commensurate with the value... but not see any actual evidence that there IS one occurring ?

Why should defining a value worth BILLIONS... naturally be expected to result in the situation we have, now... ???

Of course... if you study Daic's history, which is easy enough given the trail of prior lawsuits... you will not be able to avoid the obvious awareness that he has made a career specialty out of exactly this... "squatting" on values and destroying others potential benefit... in order to benefit himself... from stealing the crumbs left afterwards...

Ignoring that the logic of that... is EXACTLY the dominant logic that is at the core of the corruption of our banks and larger systems now... doesn't create any difficulties in seeing it clearly in specific context here... where the impact is obvious, and the patterns in the history are obvious.

There is an issue... because a corrupt, failed idea, that destroying and taking what others have created is a proper method of generating a profit... and that has been allowed to be made the dominant concept...

It's not exactly shocking... when you see the same thing happening everywhere... to see it happening here, too...

It's also not surprising to see corrupt actors posturing that what they're doing is not wrong...

The issue is, that they've not undertaken a "unique" effort in what they're doing here... they're just doing more of the same in what they've become accustomed to doing.

I'm sure you've heard it before...

All that is required for evil to succeed, is for good men to do nothing...

All they have to do to succeed... is get away with it.

All shareholders have to do to succeed... is to prevent them from getting away with it...

The first and most necessary part of that... is disabusing the ignorant of their cherished fictions... which are what all con men exploit...

So, perhaps Daic is doing what Daic does, here, merely out of coincidence ?

How is that he "just happened" to become involved as a consultant in this Butch Ballow run stock scam, anyway, at the point where Ballow was made unable to continue in his role as consultant ?

And, how is that Ballow and his friends "just happened" to be introduced to Carlos... to take his little company on this "wild ride" for the last decade ?

You think Daic is doing the telecom industry this enormous favor, disrupting the company's governance, posturing to destroy the value of the patent itself, etc., doing a favor worth BILLIONS and BILLIONS to them... without getting paid for doing it ?

Occam's razor... ? Ever hear of that ? Or, even a basic "sniff test" ?

And, how is it, anyway, that we ARE addressing the telecom industry now... instead of the chip makers... and who got paid what by whom for enabling that shift in focus ?

So, either the patent has value... and Daic is stupid... or there is some other explanation ?