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12/22/11 2:24 PM

#16575 RE: OCTraderguy #16574

Could this be why they can't release news?

Remember... it could be out of their control for now... part of a bigger picture you are not thinking about because you do not know all of the pieces to the puzzle.

Not trying to sound arrogant, just pointing it out.

U.S. Congressman Calls on Obama to Hold White House Conference on Haiti

Friday, 16 December 2011 12:44
by External Source (see below)

US Pres. Barack Obama

WASHINGTON, DC, USA ( - On Friday, U.S. Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (D-Miramar) reintroduced the White House Conference on Haiti Act of 2011. This legislation calls on the President of the United States of America to convene a White House Conference on Haiti within the next calendar year.

The conference would bring together major stakeholders in the rebuilding, along with other interested parties to share their knowledge and best practices and identify gaps in the recovery process. (Please find attached a copy of the legislation).

"In January of last year, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake rocked the already struggling nation of Haiti. Approximately three million people were affected and 230,000 are estimated to have died. Those who survived continue to face unimaginable conditions with a crumbling infrastructure and recurring Cholera outbreaks.

"Immediately following the earthquake, we witnessed countless foreign governments and aid organizations pledging to stand with Haiti, and I have been inspired by the numerous individuals throughout the globe who have donated their talents and services to the recovery and the many more who are eager to help, but simply don't know how. We cannot let this opportunity go to waste.

"The Conference will highlight innovative ideas for rebuilding and redevelopment in Haiti. From inexpensive hurricane and earthquake-proof housing and green building techniques to sustainable economic practices and urban development. There are countless companies and individuals who have developed groundbreaking concepts in response to this tragedy, but they have yet to be connected with those who can put these ideas into practice or with others pursuing similar goals who may be able to improve upon their initiatives. Innovation does not happen in a bubble; great things can happen when great minds come together.

"While the United States has been instrumental in the recovery and rebuilding from countless natural and man-made disasters throughout the world, few international tragedies have had as deep an impact on the United States, and particularly the State of Florida, as this one.

"Our nation's rapid, comprehensive response, from our government down to everyday Americans, has been commendable, but the President and this administration are in a position to do more.

"At a time of continued instability and crisis, the United States must do all within its power to help ensure a long-term sustainable recovery for Haiti."

Remember... US Ambassador Lewis Lucke is the guy on the board of this company, not some chump...

Long till contract news ;)
Merry Xmas MSMYERS?
IMO only...

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Greta Grabo

12/22/11 2:54 PM

#16581 RE: OCTraderguy #16574

well I am not going to remove any post either good or bad, and would ask other mods to do the same. Right now there are a lot of questions that need to be answered and the company is being quiet. A lot of people are looking at MSMY and raising their concerns, which they have the right to do.