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01/23/03 12:52 PM

#14620 RE: bigbizz #14619

Do you have any idea what you’re talking about? Two days ago you didn’t even realize wireless networking existed, and today you’re an expert!

I have never experienced interference or lack of signal anywhere in my house. Companies and homes use this technology every day with no problems. I wish I could say the same for SecureView. As for the “$20 toy camera”, whether you choose to believe it or not, any $20 PC camera will provide a MUCH better image than SecureView. They’ll also do so in color, which SecureView cannot.

You’re right about the need for a PC to use the wireless technology in this example. Did you include the cost of the TV in your SecureView calculations?

As for the need to utilize an Ethernet cable to extend range, you’re right about that. Fortunately, it’s an option in the case of wireless. How would you extend the range of the SecureView signal? Run an extension cord between buildings? No, that won’t even work, as the signal strength isn’t strong enough to travel that far. With wireless, you could run a single Ethernet cable and connect a 1000 port router, thereby enabling another 1000 wireless users. BTW, those 1000 people are capable of doing so much more than merely watch a B/W image on their display (or are you going to compare the merits of SecureView to a PC next?).

I wish I knew why everything has to be such a battle with you. Why can’t you admit that SEVU isn’t going to save the world? They have a unique product, and there is probably a niche market for it if the company could get of their own way long enough to make it happen, but to pretend that it’s superior to proven technology is simply absurd.