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07/18/05 1:21 PM

#3149 RE: d4diddy #3147

That has to be the stupedist explanation for this situation I ever heard.
What will save MP's butt for sticking it out, to help the Boyz walk away?

In your opinion he may be a lousy CEO ,but IMO he is not a damn fool.


07/18/05 2:10 PM

#3152 RE: d4diddy #3147

d4 ...

and then MP can say "so sorry, we tried, we really tried" and close up shop and everyone will walk.

I wonder if the three-letter agencies have a similar limitation, after which they can't do anything either.

Given the latitude the troolongers have given and continue to give malc, shouldn't be too hard for him to string them along for another 8 months. Doesn't look as if anyone's about to initiate action against daBeez and their friends -- lotsa talk about how bad they were (only accepted as truth recently by some, just a mere four (4) years after the Weil and Norris articles) but that's all it's been, talk.

Thx for the 'splanation. I kinda thought Mar 26, '06 might be more than a lighthouse anniversary!