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12/21/11 2:14 PM

#191971 RE: Texan77 #191967

i dont buy your deal; smoke and mirrors for shorty,not a long view better rethink that after reading the nmgl deal again.


Oh! the abandoned sec violator heading to revoking NMGL

yea, those old worthless filings really mean a lot now


FFGO, NMGL = 100% smoke & mirrors


abandoned FFGO , NMGL = smoke and mirrors

you don't have to believe me

pick up the phone or email both FFGO and NMGL and ask them

Oh Wait!


12/21/11 2:19 PM

#191973 RE: Texan77 #191967

Care to explain why you don't "buy my deal" or how "my deal" is "smoke and mirrors for shorty" or why I should re-read the NMGL deal after FFGO promised a dividend immediately after the sale of the gold mine and even received compensation for the gold mine, but, doesn't include you or I on that compensation.

Or do you want to do another one line or one word cryptic sentence like usual? Let's see a well-thought out paragraph or two.


12/21/11 3:06 PM

#191979 RE: Texan77 #191967

I agree with Old Ben, let's here those pearls of wisdom in english and full sentences.


12/21/11 3:58 PM

#191982 RE: Texan77 #191967

lets see now, a penny stock company says .. if anyone says
divvy not coming - or says - anything negative after 15 months
because both FFGO and NMGL have abandoned the company's
left no current phone or email address
is tax delinquent, corporations expired or on the way to being dissolved, stopped filing with the SEC and becoming an SEC violator .. and revoked

(the deal) the super duper extraordinary .0034 divvy will be canceled if you say anything negative or try to find us or try to sue us or try to get your money back

really now!

kind of goes hand in hand with
Pete the CEO of FFGO saying

Hey FFGO share holders .. don't worry it may take a year or longer to get the .0034 divvy .. if it takes longer .. don't call us
... we will call you
