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07/18/05 7:51 PM

#943 RE: DueDillinger #941

DUE: I know that I never told anyone I was a billionaire, but I sure wanted to be one. And so did a lot of people who practiced the pygmalian effect in their their lives. In fact I wanted to be a trillionaire and everyone who entered into agreements with me knew that up front. How delusional is that?

I know I told Medgar if he'd help me I'd help him, just like I told everyone else who came to me with their wild eyed ideas such as putting wi fi into every sports stadium in America and claiming the inside the park broadcast rights from major league baseball. That was Matterasses cockymainy idea, not mine. Or setting up a $30 million film fund for Blue Horizon Pictures. Or building a hockey rink in New jersey, or helping poverty stricken homeless people in Washington DC and Baltimore with participatory fund raising events.

I know I never told Reid to publish that stupid press release saying I was some kind of billionaire, and I know that there is no such thing as the billionaires club, or whatever he called it. and after repeated attempts at asking him what it was he never answered so I gave up asking. The damage was already done.

I know that your confidentiality agreement and the one matarass, reid, and everyone else who was involved with Penny King Holdings was the same as yours and that I know why you didn't sign it.

And I know the consulting agreement is the same format as the one you didn't sign, and I know that the contract supposedly signed by the three yahoos that currently think they run tlyn was based on the same language as the contract signed on May 15th, 2003 with the exception of a few little twists like the two maggoos being personally liable for all the liabilities.

I know that Tlyn has some major hidden liabilities that will some day blow up to haunt them, despite the fact that Sadafi and Ocho made up a bunch of lies and perjured themselves, thinking that I would be put in prison for three years. I know that it will all backfire on them some day.

I know that Reid never got approved because right after that announcement the assets which were going to be used for that project somehow disappreared, but I guess we will let the SEC figure out how those assets wound up in the hands of Matterass and Sad-ifi. Reid should be more embarrassed by his portfolio of letters he gets from all those people in congress and the governors he runs with. Reid is no better than Robert palm and Jason Dallas in my honest opinion.

What I don't know is what Reid, Samaroo, and the other directors who were brought on board after May 15th, 2003 did about the fact that they lost over a million dollars worth of TLYN stock that had been allocated to them under various agreements which are part of the record which the SEC will soon need to subpheana. (sic sp)

If you lost a million dollars worth of stock wouldn't you do something about it or would you just give up if you were you convinced that you never had it to begin with?

As I recall you lost something like $300K on a deal once or so you said, and what did you do about it? You became Due Dillinger, fighting crime like some superhero, making sure no one else got into the same trap as you did.

So much for trying to help little inner city black kids get away from the crack dealers, pimps and government tolerated drug trades.

Due, you can be my higher power today and grant me the serenity to know the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

More will be revealed on the 26th in Reno Federal District Court in front of Judge Reed, God willing. Will you be there to testify that I am really not a billionaire?