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12/20/11 11:53 AM

#15031 RE: paulenater #15030

If they can make money then yes but the jury is still out. That's why the PPS is $.02. Read the 10-Q. Particularly the parts about the lack of cash flow, ongoing workers compensation costs due to the nature of the business they are in, and the going concern language. GLTA
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12/20/11 11:57 AM

#15032 RE: paulenater #15030

You are right Paul! I have been here about 16 months. Bonar told me a few days ago that the accountants and lawyers are working on this... and once they have the audited year end financials...they hope to negotiate with the IRS. Many of the fines may be lifted. Bonar was not saying it would... he of course was being vague.... but we all know that individuals as well as companies make deals with the IRS all the time.