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07/18/05 7:00 PM

#942 RE: jurisper #940

JUR: Yes, he's the one. documents signed and executed May 15th, 2003. The bigger question is how did Matterass circumvent Penny King holdings after signing confidentiality, non circumvention and non disclosure agreements and what part did ocho and saffad play?

As for the ferret, yes he's the one, supposedly he's legally blind, or so he claims.

Palm, Downes, Dallas, Ashton and a whole slew of others up there in Victoria, I know them all well enough to stay away from more trouble than I need right now, but in the interests of international justice it might behoove the FBI to contact me about them.

After all they wanted to know about Operation Tuna Highway, why not Advanced Capital of Victoria...are they still in business after all these years?

I'm sure the SEC will want to put me on the stand soon enough to ask more questions about those boys.

And to think that I once believed that Christians had any sense of high morals and ethics, let alone Isrealies, Greeks, Iraqi's, Americans and Mexicans. Seems like the only honest people left in this world are investigative reporters and their lawyers.

If Collin has an address for Palm, Dallas won't be too far away...according to the article he should have been out of jail by 2000.