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07/18/05 10:46 AM

#71 RE: Waitedg #70

Jagman - A couple of other comments from Growth Stock Watch:

"What's more, id-Confirm has product in the production pipeline...ready to be built, marketed and sold!.....I've already been told that September and October will be the months to watch!

Also in my July interview, Mr. Baird reported that id–Confirm's manufacturing is "now on track for producing 30,000 units per month" ...and that the run rate could be achieved "as early as September this year."

You and I know from FASC the failure of company forecasting to live up to its predictions. Thus, I take the September, October figures somewhat with a grain of salt. Yet, Mr. Eiten to a degree has a reputation to live up to. We'll see. His recommedation is strongly hyped. But we could have a really big winner here.

A comment of my getting his newletter trial. I think after getting the first issue, I can convert the balance of the 5 months to Email reception. It should then likely arrive during non market hours in fairness to all who buy it. This might get us an opportunity to do a little short term trading on other stocks since this IDCO recommendation drove price up about 30% -- .78 to 1.04 high.