Hike, you are more then welcome to check and verify my info. What I posted is a summary of our conversation based on my memory of the 30 minute phone call. The month off for easter topic she brought up herself when I asked about 154 progress. She specifically told me that she was trying to get a hold of business contacts over there and discovered that they routinely take a month off for Easter and it is common in various parts of the country and we both thought that was odd.
She said they hope to have methadone out before the end of the year but FDA plays by its own rules so you never know there.
What really surprised me was the testing of 216 on actual patients in clinical studies. I am sure this is strictly a voluntary study for select patients. She said that pain meds often cause stomach digestive problems which I am guessing is like acid reflux or something and they want to see if the same side effect occurs with 216 so they are selectively trying it on patients with history of stomach problems while taking their meds and see if they have the same problems while taking 216 instead.
I am a long time TRUE long holder of shares. Have not sold one share even on the spikes. I am holding 7 figure amount and I stand behind my comments 100% from my phone call and encourage others to call her as well. She is a nice lady to speak with and it is nice in penny stock land to have an actual IR person who listen and try to answer your questions and concerns withing the SEC guidelines that she is allowed to do so.