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01/22/03 4:06 PM

#3119 RE: sarai #3114

>> Since you, a mere mortal - like myself, seem to be all knowing, and assume to speak for God.....

Please explain the concept of "saved" as opposed to "unsaved"....

Hi Sarai,

I don't remember claiming omniscience. Maybe I'm omniscient yet forgetful. I'll look into it :)

I don't speak for God. I'm a wretch who needs to be taught by God. I only pray for ears to hear.

"Saved" means rescued from the penalty of my sin. Only Jesus can do this for me and I submit to Him. Check out the 3 passages I mentioned for His word on it. "Unsaved" means facing God alone and explaining why I have lived for myself and why I don't love Him with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. You can face Him alone if you insist, but I don't like my chances. I heartily recommend taking Christ up on His offer of rescue.

There's a lot about God and His purposes that we "can't imagine". That's why He wrote it down for us. If we could figure it out and squeeze it into the space between our ears, it wouldn't be very interesting would it?

The effect of organized religion can be toxic indeed. That's why I prefer to look at Jesus' words as the foundation and only accept "religion" that is compatible with Him.

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01/23/03 12:27 AM

#3175 RE: sarai #3114

"Please explain the concept of "saved" as opposed to "unsaved"...."

jar answered the first part of your question, but I just wanted to tell you what the bible teaches about the other part.

"And what happens to the "saved" and "unsaved" in the afterlife...."

Only God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is eternal in both directions, past and future, but all humans (and presumably angels also) have eternal existence from the time they are created (conceived, for humans). The terms "saved" and "unsaved" determine how and where that eternity will be spent. The saved are those whose debt for all their sins has been paid for by Jesus. That is a free gift from God, but has to be accepted by the individual through faith - God will not force it on anyone. The saved will spend eternity in new bodies that are imperishable and perfect. They will no longer be subject to temptation or sin, and will dwell with God and Jesus for eternity. The subject of how we spend eternity is not dwelt on at length, but we are told that we will help rule angels and during the millennium we will assist in ruling the earth. The gist is that we will not be sitting around on clouds playing harps.

The unsaved will spend eternity separated from God, and will exist in hades for all eternity in punishment for their sins. There will be no second chance - the decision you make in this life will control your eternal destiny.

"how does "saved" v. "unsaved" fit with the lifestyle of Jesus, compassionate and humble?... "

When I was younger and an agnostic/atheist (depending on what day it was), I could never understand how folks in today's world could ever be guilty of idolatry. Now I see that it is very common, even here in the US. Idolatry is worshipping a god of your own making, and everyone who does not accept God as He has revealed Himself in the Bible but instead "worships" a god that he constructs for himself by picking and choosing what portions of the bible to believe is guilty of idolatry.

You mention the compassionate and humble Jesus of the Bible, but like so many other folks, you leave out the rest of Who He is. He scourged the moneychangers in the Temple and blasted the religious leaders of Israel. His first coming was as the Lamb of God, but He will return as the King of all (the Lion of the tribe of Judah) and all Judgement is given to Him. He is entirely holy and just, and will require that the just punishment of sin is fully paid for. God is love, yes, but He has many more attributes that most folks conveniently forget about because those attributes require justice for evildoers and payment for sin.
