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12/14/11 8:11 PM

#25886 RE: jp7204 #25885

there is a lot of "medical billing software" but nothing even close to what PPJE has to offer and most of that requires you to hire someone that has gone to school for Medical billing this will eliminate that completely thus cutting down someone you have to pay 50k+ a year
to handle the billing

who knows maybe IBM or Microsoft will buy PPJE I don't think either of them want to go through the head ach of getting in to the Medical business

PJ Enterprise (PPJ) is a leader in proprietary automated healthcare reimbursement cycle software, online health information digital-systems software and practice information management digital-system software. The company was founded in the year 2000. Headquartered in Reno, Nevada, we serve health care providers and general businesses worldwide. Our flagship product is our revolutionary medical billing software system.

PPJ Enterprise's principal activity is serving as a medical reimbursement consulting firm. We help medical practices become more efficient and save money by allowing providers to outsource their insurance processing and medical billing functions.

The Automated Biller

The Automated Biller, our medical billing system, is comprised of both hardware and software. The system uses OCR/IMR scanning technology to allow physicians to bill their medical insurance claims at the point of service without data entry, coding or billing personnel. In 2004, there were 567,000 physicians with working privileges in the United States (

Automated Biller has a huge competitive advantage in that there are no similar medical billing products commercially available that target all specialties within the healthcare industry. PPJE currently offers the Automated Biller on a customized basis for medical practices throughout the United States.

Health insurance carries more risk than any other type of insurance because all people are subject to illness at some point in their lives. This is also why medical insurance billing is complicated. For example, medical insurance billing has to meet the standards of loss verification to claim insurance benefits while maintaining the federally-mandated and required Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. (HIPAA) Thus, in the medical billing industry, accuracy is essential to ensure proper and timely provider reimbursement.

As the demand for medical services rise, so does the need for effective medical billing claim submission. Most traditional forms of insurance billing services use their internal processes to file and process claims. Insurance companies require effort on the provider's part in order for them to be reimbursed for services rendered. The task of providing medical service and maintaining the accuracy and understanding of medical billing code sets can be very overwhelming to any medical professional. Thus, medical providers significantly benefit by turning to The Automated Biller to systematize and simplify billing.

Our Strategic Marketing Mission

The mission of the marketing team is to employ strategies to reach the target market. The marketing and sales plan includes:

Developing the website with video presentations to detail the system and its operations.

Demonstrating hands-on Automated Biller workshops at healthcare conferences and exhibitions in major cities around the country.

Developing joint ventures with marketing companies that can facilitate the introduction of the Automated Biller to major medical markets nationwide.

"Only a superior billing software program can promise AND deliver 30%+ increases and instant error-free billing*

That medical billing software company must:

Have engineered a state-of-the-art system that takes full advantage of the very latest information technology

Have several years of medical billing experience and know all the ins and outs of billing

Understand each of the complexities of billing correctly for your specialty

Allow you to easily customize reports exactly the way you want them

Only choose a medical billing software program that:

Has EMR built into the software

Enables you to send your billing instantly

Eliminates submission errors

Allow you to easily customize reports exactly the way you want them

Does away with data entry

Reduces your dictation time to near zero

Automated Biller is the software package that meets each and every one of these standards

* 30% increase guarantee is based on whether your practice passes our assessment

Automated Biller is completely automated, eliminates errors, is simple to use and sends electronic billing out instantly

Our software system took eight years of painstaking hard work by medical billing experts and computer programmers to develop and perfect. Now it is here, works flawlessly and is ready for your practice! Automated Biller is so accurate and up-to-date our clients always receive the highest reimbursement possible for each service delivered. You will be thrilled when you see the size of your checks and how fast they arrive.

Automated Biller is simple to learn and easy to use

Your super bill: We will create a custom superbill for you that includes everything... all of your procedures, time spent, diagnoses, material you use, etc. To do so, we’ll thoroughly evaluate your operations and systems, and build all of the components you require into your customized software package.

Your super bill is designed in the background as coding. All you need to do is fill in the bubbles electronically via a tailor-made scanner we’ll provide you, a touch screen on your computer or a digital note pad. In just a matter of seconds from the time you click “submit”, the information is sent electronically directly to the insurance carriers. Claims for those insurances still requiring paper billing are a snap to prepare for mailing. Automated Biller also recognizes more than one system.
Highlights of Automated Biller

Automated Biller automatically:

Submits claims electronically, prints HCFA and UB92, and print patient’s statement.

Calculates all procedures and time accurately, including appropriate modifiers.

Calulates all drugs and supplies used.

Generates 10 different reports.

Sends follow-up letters to insurance companies every 30 days, if no payment has been received.

Re-bills Medicare, Medicaid/Medi-Cal and insurance companies.

Sends collection letters to patients whose accounts are over 60, 90 and 120 days old.

Accurate insurance claim submission and automatic electronic remittance processing

You can use Automated Biller to immediately input claims. Automated Biller incorporates the unique processing requirements for various designated insurance carriers and edits the submitted data accordingly before transmitting the information to the appropriate insurance carrier for reimbursement. This process facilitates accuracy and rapid payment. Upon receiving the electronically submitted insurance claim, the insurance carriers process the claim and send the payment directly to the client. Automated Biller not only provides electronic transmission to insurance carriers and computerized data verification, but also eliminates much of the human element, thus simplifying and accelerating the claims filing process. Automated Biller also automatically posts electronic payments (ERA – Electronic Remittance Advice) to the patients accounts.

With Automated Biller, you will receive money faster and easier. Insurance checks will be deposited electronically directly into your account. You will experience fewer declines and enjoy an increased reimbursement "
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12/15/11 1:08 AM

#25895 RE: jp7204 #25885

Actually a smaller company can usually be more creative and focused with their software. I use a POS (point of sale) for my business' that is programmed by a very small company and have found it far superior to POS systems that cost 10x the money and from companies that are very well known.