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12/13/11 8:32 PM

#5835 RE: gfp927z #5824

The puppetmasters want you to think the "market" wants more QE. What a crock. THEY want more QE. QE gives them the ability to bankrupt us, then make us indebted to the IMF (global FED). They get us on the one world currency, and pull all the strings, how long before we welcome in the New World Order?

At that point, chipping us will be next. The Beast will have all of his ducks in a row.

If they stopped meddling in the markets, and let interest rates back up to 5%, all the savers and retirees would spend their interest money and the economy would boom again. Ironically, the FED keeping interest rates at zero, is actually preventing a recovery. So why are they doing it???????

The housing market will not improve until people have jobs. People won't have jobs if the economy keeps idling. So, keeping interest rates low, can't improve the economy. The economy won't improve until savers are getting a return on their hard-earned money. Chicken/egg.