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12/11/11 10:31 AM

#11464 RE: gw323 #11459

Unfortunately with regards to PPS (which lets be honest is what all of us here are interested in in the long run) then revenue isnt the only number that matters.

I agree that Musclepharm Corp have done well with growing the company and brand but it has been under huge cost and all paid for by the shareholders. Which if i could be at all confident that management had us in mind and wanted to share future profits with us then great. But so many things they are doing show me they dont want to do that....they dilute relentlessly, they pay themselves ridiculous compensation packages, the ignore shareholders questions completely, have very dodgy policies which give 2 guys complete voting control of the company, and are about to dilute the company by 400million+ shares (if you agree that the bonus plan is 2010 v 2011) just to give those shares to the top 3 guys as a "revenue bonus" even when the company is yet to turn a profit.

I think there is very strong evidence that Management want ownership of MSLP for themselves so that they dont have to share the spoils with shareholders.

I agree they know their business and how to sell products (and also tentatively agree that they know how to turn a profit) I just dont think the shareholders will see any benefit from this.


12/11/11 11:03 AM

#11467 RE: gw323 #11459

gw323, we need to worry about more than the revenues. Revenue growth is awesome, and I too believe that they can hit $10M quarters in the near future. But Company success does not always translate to shareholder success.

The dilution is huge, and there is no end in site. And management has not communicated it's strategy or concerns with dilution going forward. Many people bought in above 5 cents and continue to average down. At some point they will not be able to average down any further. Revenue growth has been great but they are losing their shirt on stock price because of the dilution. And I believe the big dilution will not end anytime soon. And financing the Company through dilution at one cent is a killer for current shareholders.

Could the Company turn this around? Absolutely, but not with implementing a ridiculous bonus plan, etc. The current management team is doing a good job growing the Company, but has not cared about it's shareholders.


12/11/11 11:18 AM

#11470 RE: gw323 #11459

Rev is FAR from the only number that matters.

If I set up a lemonade stand and sell lemonade for a penny, but it costs a nickel to make..... I might be able to sell TONS of lemonade, but I have spent TONS.

In this case, it would be like I set up a lemonade stand, then take out a 100k loan to build a neon sign and have a famous person come hang out at our stand..... but we are still only selling our lemonade for a penny.

Thanks for your thoughts gw323.... or should I say Brad,Cory and/or Jeremy?