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12/08/11 6:08 AM

#3754 RE: gharma #3751

I agree with you on the 3 ways to fix the problem
But with money printing you get eventually a inflation
That can spin out of control it's. Good for gold not good for
The world economy.
Paying your debt is also not the way because your currency
Will be bilding up strength and so you are not appealing
For export from your side
The same with default only than you can't import any more
So this is also no option

I was watching a annalist of s&p untill he said
The Netherlands are next because we are not asking enough tax
If you know how much tax I pay every u.s. citizens will drop dead
42% direct and 19% indirect but also bs as road tax housing tax

So the us is trying to move the problem away from them
And you see it happen. Already europe is trying all different thinks
And now they (s&p moody )are pointing there arrows at China
They are playing a very dangers game
And all world leaders are following them. ????

Every solution they will pick is the wrong one
But the correct one for the gold price
and so for exs. I have read a article that says
More than 8 billion dollars is at the sideline at the tsx only

So lets come off the sideline and spend some 0,1% off the 8 billion into. Exs
and then off we go