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07/13/05 11:15 PM

#653 RE: bocxman #652

Thanks Bocxman

Here's the article:

Small Company Perspective
510k vs. PMA
Avenue to Market

Christine W. Meehan

General Manager

Praxim, Inc.

Getting to Market

510k Route versus PMA Route



Issues to Address

Reimbursement Considerations


Small innovative start-up companies

Implantable Pumps and Vascular Access Devices – 510k

Non-Surgical Alternatives

Microwave for BPH Therapy – PMA

High Frequency focused Ultrasound for PCa- PMA

Computer Assisted Surgical Navigation Devices for ENT, Neuro, Ortho applications – 510k

Advantages of 510k

Once file is submitted it can be a 90 day review process

Does not require a randomized, statistically significant clinical study…however

If the product is a complicated 510k…it can end up feeling like a PMA

Clinical information or cadaver study for safety and efficacy may be requested by the FDA ( least burdensome..)

Asses your product early – review all other 510ks to see if they were 90 days or 90 days+++ = questions

Disadvantages of 510k

Once approved, you reach the market without statistical clinical proof of improved outcomes

Medical community is very cautious of any new product without well controlled clinical outcomes – Market acceptance is slow

The commercial market can now do clinical use/testing without your control and can report results in the literature


Negative (Gets published immediately)

What to do?

Have some kind of clinical experience with the 510k product/prototype as early as possible

Collect all clinical experience and database it, company works with clinical site

Have lead physician write a white paper, submit abstract to major/minor meeting, submit an article to peer reviewed journal

Choose a lead physician who likes to write, publish and speak (include a site with Fellows)

Continue clinical study after 510k approval to keep generating clinical results


Required for NEW and INNOVATIVE products

Randomized clinical study to show safety and efficacy usually versus the “Gold” or standard treatment option

Disadvantages of IDE/PMA

Time 1-2 years to complete clinical study

Review time of a PMA is on average 1 yr once submitted (includes GMP inspection)


Delay to market

Advantages of IDE/PMA

Statically significant clinical results which can be used to convince medical community

Results can be published in peer reviewed literature

Has big marketing/launch impact but

You must work on this early

One year (avg) from submission to publication unless MD agrees to alternative journals = faster

Clinical results are the only thing that convince physicians

Market acceptance is quicker due to clinical results

Advantages of IDE/PMA

CMS and Insurance Providers require this kind of clinical data to justify payment

Request a “Technology Assessment”

Requirement of NCQA

Make sure your clinical data is sufficient

Powerful marketing and reimbursement tool

What to Do - PMA

Get your clinical results published soon and often

Work with Specialty Group early if you are a new therapy or change to existing practice

They will determine if new CPT code is needed

Find out who the specialty advisors are to CMS on the state level

Have them include your product in their annual billing seminars at annual meeting

Amend Clinical Guidelines to include new therapy

Not likely but it would be great if they would make a policy statement regarding the therapy

Update their Patient Information pamphlets

What to Do - PMA

Develop a clinically relevant web site

Provide “balanced” information for both patient and MD

Include all required disclaimers


Links to other sites

Where to find a “trained” MD or clinical study site

Which insurance companies provide coverage

Provide Clinical publications

More people go to the web for medical information than for any other reason

Reimbursement - 510k or PMA

Start as soon as possible

Applied for new CPT code if needed (ICD-9)

Put together billing information if using existing codes

How to bill, not what to bill

Work with BC/BS, CMS, Prudential, or others on a “Technology Assessment”

Single most important document to help show improved net health outcomes = Reimbursement

Review of all the published literature of well controlled studies

Plus several other criteria


Don’t go it alone

Work with competitors and their data on clinical outcomes (its not a competitive issue)

Work with Advocacy Groups




Thank you for your attention