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07/13/05 5:19 PM

#16161 RE: stylecounciler #16160

as I stated, I don't know about his conclusions about bank stocks but I was more interested in the impact of the flat yield curve on banks and bonds. Bobwins
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07/13/05 5:23 PM

#16162 RE: stylecounciler #16160

Style: Weiss:

I could be wrong - and I don't presently get Hulbert - but I don't think Hulbert tracks him. He isn't really all that trackable. He is just plain negative.

There is no question that if you are EXTREMELY BULLISH or EXTREMELY BEARISH you will sell more than if you are in the middle somewhere - unless by being in the middle (objective) you are right often enough that people take notice (Brinker).

I have read enough of Wiess to believe, however, that it isn't a marketing game that he is playing, but rather a sincere honest belief that the end of the financial world is coming. Of course, he has thought it was coming in the next 6 months for a lot of years, so he has been really wrong. Of course, he was really right about the market crash, so I suspect if you took him 100% at his word say January 1, 1999, you might be even - at least on equities. But, that is just a wild guess.

One thing for sure, since October of 2002, he has been really wrong for a long time and anyone who was short that period of time has suffered a lot.

Here are the headlines from his latest newsletter:

Protection And Profit From Falling Dollar And Rising Inflation

This Rally Has Been Long And Powerful. But That Does Not Make It A Bull Market!

Is This Gold Rally Sustainable? You Bet It Is!

You just have to keep in mind that anything he says is biased from a negative perspective. That doesn't make him wrong and it doesn't make the information wrong. It just means the conclusions are biased.
