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12/06/11 2:04 AM

#94230 RE: lbdave #94227

A CEO inheriting this stock would come up with a business plan. He would next let people know of his new direction. People have been misreading what has been PR'd. PR's are advertising and promoting, is McDond'$ wrong for promoting what I think is a pos burger. Truth is no one knows yet what the ceo,s motives are, to soon to tell. I'll give him the benefit of a doubt until proven otherwise, he may a this time be a little over zealous with his new position and enthusiasum. STHG
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12/06/11 2:14 AM

#94231 RE: lbdave #94227

HERE IS YOUR REPLY ~~ thats all well and good if your a CEO taking over a large company or fortune 500... but as a small business or semi start up company trying to makes it mark, it is MUCH smarter to take over a shell company for a few thousand than put start up costs for a IPO. shells are much cheaper to buy, then clean up, start getting your name out there, start building on the 'already built following' base of investors, get current, then run it right (rare but happens), then start the up listing process --

as for the reputation is built on success/failure/progress etc -- now its up to the CEO to make his own in that regard so for Cedric we shall see... no CEO comes out of college with a solid rep, just good grades. a rep is built and thats what is happening here!

And from what most can see and tell here -- he (Cedric) is doing things that only a handful of pink CEOs do,

he has taken over a good company and by good i mean a company that is NOT a known r/s offender, an a company that has proven itself to be a easy runner in the charts in the past so the momo is easily built, a company with a solid following of investors and people willing to add and stay around.. and a company with a decent share structure for a holding company -- 1.5B is nothing compared to the 9-10-20B companies out there

he has been showing transparency in the fact the SS #'s has not changed on bit (as he said would not) and proves that in the statement of 'once a month the SS #'s will be in a PR along with filings" -- and has done that

The company’s share structure has not changed since new management was adopted and currently stands as:

A/S is 1,500,000,000

O/S is 1,490,875,600

Float: 1,290,875,600

As well, the company has no near or distant future plans for a Reverse Split.

its been 3 weeks and some change, and already has updated pink-sheets ( OTC Pink Limited Information ) so the statement of getting up to date is well under way -- thats a proven fact as well (step #1 )
-- next few weeks will have it current and up to date 100% per the last few PRs -- link to review them

he (Cedric) has laid out a game plan for the future of this company, and has informed the investors as things start to arise. and again without selling one share to hurt the investors already in

he has done nothing wrong here whatsoever -- in fact he has done everything right thus far -- in the pursuit of building this company, maybe not as instantaneously as some of you would like, but its under way in strides

only time will tell what the status of the mines and wells and fields and etc hold and or will bring -- but mostly all here are willing to give that more than 3 weeks for a start up company -- maybe you all should too.

he states they are in the process of getting this company up and running, and producing, and up to date, and current, and eventually up listed -- all the meanwhile being as transparent as he can... they have already hired a IR Firm to help with that (rare), he already has a ungagged TA (rare), he has hired a law firm and is filing for such actions as the up listing -- takes time or should that be instant too. and while all this is happening they are filing, and organizing, and getting things done as fast as they can, while bringing prospects to this newly acquired shell that are going to eventually bring much value here -- they are not mining in some remote area with a unknown name. they are bringing sites in the states for future verifiable proof once again.

dozens of posts about how this is a scam, and a ATM and not worth anything have been stated over 3 weeks. and the ATM factor has been proven wrong, the scam?? if its a scam why do anything but sell shares, why get anything up to date at all... because they are building something here and just need time which you all refuse to give -- its only been 3 weeks, and you want NYSE listing with full filings or its an automatic scam and the posts begin... if its a scam why line up funders at all -- just reverse split and screw everyone, and then start over new with a much higher PPS to start the printing press. but thats NOT whats happening here -- they are building something that takes more than a few days ....

he has several funders backing him... why, not for shares but profits or % of the future profits, bc some one smarter than us and with a heck of a lot more money than us believe in the future of STHG with Cedric and his projects under its belt...

Rome was not built in a day and neither will this company.... give it some time already

and about the awareness paid for, YES i was paid for 2 weeks of market awareness to help a semi start up company get the word out that they have purchased a shell, and have taken control of STHG. I was paid 25K for 2 weeks and hope the third party continues to use my services for continued awareness as they continue to grow and build... some companies actually do use this type of process, and not just rely on PRs and filings to get to more than just IHUB bc they have something to share and say and not print shares as we have seen and witnessed here -- it is a HUGE market of investors and IHUB is a very small part of it. market awareness includes many web sites featuring the company and its information and its recent progress, as well as mailers to infom our following of people that such action/s are in play with said company. also includes interviews, radio spots, ads, posting, calling to investor groups and a multitude of other avenues... its a big world out there and some need help spreading that word --