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12/05/11 2:14 PM

#27222 RE: AsianGroup #27221

U know, do a little up date on a blog, does not justifies any thing, and I know why he got it up to date, Because if he did not the company could of been taken over, and he would of been pushed out,and control freaks cant handle stuff like that, on any public company you have to keep them current or you could be held accountable to the share holders or any debt owed... And i will lay you a bet that he did not bring it current on his own... I would say C got some change together to pay the back charges, This company had a plain and some punk high rolled and would not follow threw,

Lets see let look back and just see how long it has been since a company update... And Blogs don't cut it... I talking a pr on the wire, and that is what matters.... Not some blog that holds no accountability...

Share holders should be number one on these companies, And if you bring a concern to a company, and it ends up being a ongoing concern and if they don't act on it, they are just as guilty as the guilty party..