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04/01/01 9:31 PM

#666 RE: Rainlady #662

Dear Rainlady: Many a time I have read and admired
your positions on the issues we discuss on these boards. I see from your description of Napster as a "pirate site," that your feeling is not positive toward it. As must be obvious, I have no problem with people differing in their opinions, and I have received varying amounts of tolerance over this past year of EDIG posting, for my controversial views.

I wish to say that in my opinion, unequivocably, Napster and have done more to move the issues of internet music access to the forefront of discussion than would have ever been possible without them. We, as EDIGITAL investors, will benefit enormously from the catylizing effect that Napster, et. al have had on this question.

I don't know of a single person who has actually used it, who has not enjoyed its simplicity, efficiency and access to music that is not available anywhere, even for sale, as INDIVIDUAL SELECTIONS. Napster has an enormous political constituency, at this point; this fact has not gone unnoticed by Senator Hatch and the other members of congress seeking to advance their own political fortunes by entering the fray. IMO, the 9th circuit court of appeals has told Judge Patel and the parties involved to settle the dispute. I don't think that they want a trial, particularly with the high-powered legal mavens involved in front of Judge Patel, who strikes me as being potentially as bumbling as "Judge ITO."

Whatever ultimately happens, I'm convinced that an injunction is not in the offing, and that many more twists in the road lay ahead for Napster.