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11/30/11 11:11 AM

#10920 RE: Shaumus #10918

HI Shaumus,

if you have never had a problem with them replying would you be willing to send something along these lines to them...because I have tried 12 times already and made 4 phone calls and nobody gets back to me.

Question 1 - I note that you have authorised 10 million shares of "Series A, Convertible Preferred Stock" and that as yet none of this stock has been issued. I note that you intend to issue some of this stock to company employees in the future (eg Jeremy Deluca 5000 shares upon three year anniversary of his Employment Agreement). Please could you tell me how many shares of common stock each preferred share is convertible into and if there are any other special features attached to this preferred stock that differentiates it from common stock.

Question 2 - What period is your company's fiscal year?

Question 3 - I note that Brad Pyatt & Cory Gregory have both had amendments to their Employment Agreement whereby they will receive compensation for revenue growth from the prior fiscal year. For each $1,000,000 of revenue growth they will each receive $10,000 in cash as well as $100,000 worth of common stock. Please could you tell me from which point in time this growth is being bonused upon (ie is it 2010 v 2011? Or will it be 2011 v 2012?). Please could you also confirm the latest date at which Mr Pyatt & Mr gregory will be paid their first such bonus?

If you dont want to get involved thats okay. But perhaps if they have communicated with you before they would again.


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11/30/11 3:00 PM

#10921 RE: Shaumus #10918

If I paid people to wear shirts saying ANYTHING, people would be wearing my shirts too.... and that is essentially what is happening. They might have the best branding and advertising in the world, but at some point, they need to capitalize on it. People will wear your shirts ALL DAY LONG if you spend enough money. Sure, people may like the product, but hype alone will only last as long as they keep the doors open.... and the only way they are keeping the doors open right now is on OUR dime.

I am worried that they are more worried about figuring out how to spend our money rather than figuring out how to make us OWNERS money. That is what good and legit CEOs do. In my opinion, the other ones are nothing more than spoiled children and/or crooks who have daddy's credit card. I am just hoping that I am not the dumb adult who handed my money over to irresponsible kids that are more impressed with branding on a boat rather than returning money to investors.

The more I look at this, the more I regret getting in. I took most of my shares off the table and left to what amounts to a lottery quantity... as I am beginning to think that is all the confidence I have in the muscelpharm execs.
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11/30/11 6:41 PM

#10923 RE: Shaumus #10918

Hi Shaumus,

I have written and called the Company several times and have not received a response. I was very polite in my communications. Why would the Company respond to you and not the rest of us investors? It does not make sense.

Many companies have a IR person that does a great job staying connect to the investors. We understand that they need to be careful with material information, but there has been frustration growing for over a month, and absolutely no response from management.

I like to invest in companies that I believe in, and in companies that care about their shareholders. I like the products but this management team could care less about their shareholders.

I will try not to hurt the stock, but I will unload my significant position over the next 10 weeks.